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For running Engrafo on a desktop you need have the following:

  • a MS SQL Server (e.g. SQL Server Express or SQL Server - download from Microsoft)

  • a running IIS (Internet Information Server - is typically installed your windows installation)

Installation steps

Installations steps for IIS


  • Create a empty database, e.g. engrafo_db

  • Ensure that you have a systemuser that can read and write to the NETWORKSERVICE account can administrate the database. The systemuser will be used in the connection string from Engrafo

 In the database Login dialog click Search button over Login name and select Network Service (this user should be the same as it is set in the Application Pool Identity):


  • Configure app-settings to point to the database you are using

  • Open “..\Engrafo\appsettings.production.json”

  • Edit "DefaultConnection":  "Server=[yourServer];Database=[yourDatabase];Trusted_Connection=yes" to match your server name and database name


Server= localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=engrafo_db; Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true

Start using Engrafo

By default you get a admin-user. This user has all the privillages to administrate og configure the system.
