For running Engrafo on a desktop you need have the following installed:
a MS SQL Server (e.g. MS SQL Server Express or MS SQL Server)
a running IIS (Internet Information Server - is typically installed with your windows installation)
Installation steps
Installation steps for Internet Information Server(IIS)
If IIS is not present on your Windows installation you can activate it in “Windows Features”:
See also: Turn on IIS or Internet Information Services on Windows Server (
After activation of IIS you start IIS by typing IIS in the command line:
Create a website in IIS with a name like: engrafo
Set the “Physical Path” the folder that will contain the Engrafo-application
Under “Application Pool → Engrafo”, chose “Advanced Settings…” and set the “Indentity”-property to NetworkService
Install .NET 5.0 on the IIS ( )
You might need to start/restart the service: W3SVQ in the task manager
For the Desktop installation the Anonymous Authentication should be Enabled
(NB: For the Server installation the Anonymous Authentication should be Disabled and Windows Authentication set to Enabled on the specific website (Using AD))
Installation steps for SQL Server
If you don’t have a running SQL Server you can wnload SQL Server here:
SQL Server Downloads | Microsoft
Download SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) - SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) | Microsoft Learn
Create a empty database, e.g. engrafoDB
Ensure that the NETWORKSERVICE account can administrate the database.
In the database Login dialog click Search button over Login name and select Network Service (this user should be the same as it is set in the Application Pool Identity):
SQL Server Management Studio - in the login dialog for the account make sure that “sysadmin” is checked
Click over Server Roles in the left and select sysadmin to have full permissions:
Also allow “Remote connections”
Deploy Engrafo
Get the Desktop version here:
Unzip the downloaded Engrafo software to the ”Physical Path”. (e.g. c:\EngrafoApp)
Configure app-settings to point to the database you are using
Open “[Physical Path]\appsettings.production.json” e.g. “C:\EngrafoApp\appsettings.production.json”
Edit "DefaultConnection": "Server=[yourServer];Database=[yourDatabase];Trusted_Connection=yes" to match your server name and database name
Start using Engrafo
From IIS you can browser the Engrafo-site:
First time you use the Engrafo system you need to migrate the Database
Scroll down and apply migration. This will create the engrafo database
After migration refresh the page
By default you get a admin-user and a trial license. You can find it here: [Physical Path]\adminuser.txt, e.g. c:\EngrafoApp\adminuser.txt
This user has all the privillages to administrate og configure the system.
You can use this user to set op AD-groups so that you can assign different roles to different AD-users.
We strongly recomend that you change the password for this use after installation.